8a sole source contracts

11—118.7(8A) Sole source procurements. 118.7(1) When justified. A sole source procurement shall be avoided unless clearly necessary and justifiable. A state  Sole source contracts are usually approved in a matter of days. Federal Agencies with a Small Business Program will understand how to guide their contracting  Contract. SBA 8(a) Sole-Source. All Federal Agencies. DUNS: 078681923. CAGE Code: 6TJN3. Graduation Date: October 25 

8(a) Sole Source Contracts: Little Explanation Necessary. Agencies have broad discretion when it comes to issuing 8(a) sole source contract awards. Although a procuring agency must provide the SBA with some justification as to why it selected a particular 8(a) company for a sole source contract, that justification can be very brief. Other 8a small businesses can only receive sole source awards for manufacturing contracts up to $6.5 million and for service contracts up to $4 million. Under the 8a Program, the SBA accepts sole source contracts on behalf of the 8a company (not necessarily so for 8a set asides) The 8(a) sole source justification requirement for high value contracts is a statutory mandate, established by Section 811 of the FY 2010 National Defense Authorization Act, presumably to ensure that these high value awards are in the government’s best interest. The premise of the J&A is based on CICA. And on this premise not only would a J&A be needed but synopsizing of same. In this specific case CICA is already out the door and so was was synposizing for the original contract. The contract is a 8a sole source and again once 8a always 8a for the specific requirement or need.

(5) An agency may not award an 8 (a) sole source contract for an amount exceeding $22,000,000 unless the contracting officer justifies the use of a sole source contract in writing and has obtained the necessary approval under the Federal Acquisition Regulation.

-Required for 8(a) competitive or sole source acquisitions >simplified contract expiration date, acquisition strategy (i.e., 8(a) sole source/competitive, full  The first is the total amount you can earn from sole-source contracts. As an 8(a) business, you can only earn a total of $100 million or five times your SBA size  (1) A Participant concern owned and controlled by an Indian Tribe or an ANC may be awarded a sole source 8(a) contract where the anticipated value of the  11—118.7(8A) Sole source procurements. 118.7(1) When justified. A sole source procurement shall be avoided unless clearly necessary and justifiable. A state  Sole source contracts are usually approved in a matter of days. Federal Agencies with a Small Business Program will understand how to guide their contracting 

The procuring activity contracting officer indicates formal intent to award a procurement requirement as an 8(a) contract by submitting a written offering letter to SBA 

Reduced decision cycle: the time required to award an 8(a) sole source contract is usually within days. Lowered administrative costs: procurement process and  Tukuh Technologies, LLC, is an 8(a) certified small business, 100% tribally Sole-source contracting that eliminates the time and cost of market research,  ANC 8(a) Sole Source. CPTS is currently eligible for 8(a) direct award. The following items describe the contracting benefits that  "(b) SBA may award a sole source 8(a) contract to a Participant concern owned and controlled by an Indian tribe or an ANC where the anticipated value of the  Participants can receive sole-source contracts, up to a ceiling of $4 million for goods and services and $6.5 million for manufacturing. While we help 8(a) firms  17 Jun 2019 The Small Business Administration (SBA) 8(a) Sole Source vehicle enables agencies to engage in direct buy contracts with certified contractors 

Sole source contracts are usually approved in a matter of days. Because the 8( a) program is a federal mandate, Federal 

8(a) certified firms are empowered to receive sole-source contracts up to $4 million, to partner with other business owners to bid on contracts, and to join in  The Small Business Administration (SBA) 8(a) Sole Source vehicle enables agencies to engage in direct buy contracts with certified contractors. Wyandotte  ANC 8(a) Sole Source (Contracts of unlimited dollar value and non-protestable). Peregrine Technical Solutions is an Alaska Native Corporation (ANC), certified 

ANC 8(a) Sole Source. CPTS is currently eligible for 8(a) direct award. The following items describe the contracting benefits that 

ANCs may receive a sole source contract up to $20 million, and with proper justification, unlimited dollar amounts. Other 8(a) companies can only receive sole source awards for manufacturing contracts up to $6.5 million and for service contracts up to $4 million. 8(a) Sole Source Contracts: Little Explanation Necessary. Agencies have broad discretion when it comes to issuing 8(a) sole source contract awards. Although a procuring agency must provide the SBA with some justification as to why it selected a particular 8(a) company for a sole source contract, that justification can be very brief.

(5) An agency may not award an 8 (a) sole source contract for an amount exceeding $22,000,000 unless the contracting officer justifies the use of a sole source contract in writing and has obtained the necessary approval under the Federal Acquisition Regulation. Get certified as an 8 (a) small business. Before you can participate in the 8(a) business development program, you must be certified. To get certified as an 8(a) business, simply use the certify.SBA.gov website. You’ll need to have a profile at SAM.gov before you can use the certification website. Contracts whose value is at or below the so-called “competitive threshold” ($4 million, $6.5 million for manufacturing contracts) may generally be awarded on a sole-source basis, without the competition among 8(a) firms that would result if the contract were set aside.